Healthy Early Years London (HEYL)The Healthy Early Years London programme continues under the National Children's Bureau this year. If you have begun the award please do take a moment to revisit the website and check...BBC Tiny Happy People Thank you for all your support and using BBC Tiny Happy People with families you work with.Business InformationWelcome to our new business information page; Here we will share any key information, announcements or topical themes relating to the business side of Early Years...Business Information - Early Years ToolkitEarly Years Toolkit – fantastic free resources from Childcare Works to help you run your childcare business. Childcare Works have recently launched a new...CPD Outdoor Learning Training with The Muddy Puddle TeacherThe Muddy Puddle Teacher is holding an CPD outdoor learning training session in person at Base Zero Nursery, Bellingham on Friday 4th July, costs £50 per person....Early Years Online Accounts We just wanted to highlight the following points below regarding your Early Years online account, and when you are booking onto our training. When you are login in to your Early Years...Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Disability Access Fund (DAF) PostersWe are pleased to provide you with some posters to help promote Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Disability Access Fund (DAF)...Early Years Sports Fund 2025Exciting opportunity to apply for the Early Years Sports Fund - The Early Years Sports Fund is now open for applications in South East London! This fantastic initiative is here to help...Family Hubs - Update on Family Practitioner ServiceAs part of ongoing local developments within Children’s Services, the Family Practitioner service has now been absorbed into Family Thrive...Lewisham Early Years Hourly Rates from 1st April 2025At the end of December, the DfE confirmed the overall hourly rates that Lewisham will receive for the delivery of the full range of EY entitlements...Mental Health - Managing Stress In The Workplace If you are a Wellbeing Champion in your setting, keep your knowledge and information bank up to date. Click here for...MovementWorks® Professional Development TrainingMovementWorks® is a charity offering movement education of the highest quality. We work within the education sector, from early years through to...Potential Early Years Premises Available Within Lewisham BoroughAre you looking to open a Early Years setting, maybe expand your current setting or even move to a different location...Speech and Language - Lunch & Learn SessionWe’re excited to invite you to our first Speech and Language - Lunch & Learn session these will be on the first Wednesday of every month...Wellbeing - Kindness RocksWhy not paint a stone/rock, piece of wood, shell or even the tablecloth when you have a break or in a staff meeting...